What are Flexible Wall Washers and How Do They Work?

Wall washers are lighting fixtures designed to provide an even distribution of light over a wall surface. They are typically mounted on ceilings, walls, or floors and are used to enhance the aesthetic appeal of buildings, landscapes, and architectural features. Wall washers can use for a variety of purposes, including highlighting artworks, emphasizing the texture of a wall, and creating a dramatic effect on a stage.

Wall Washers vs. Standard LED Strip Lights

While both wall washers and standard LED strip lights can can to light up walls, there are some differences between the two. LED strip lights are typically used for accent lighting and can’t provide a uniform illumination of a wall surface. They are also not as efficient as wall washers in terms of the amount of light they provide per watt of power consumed. Wall washers can help to provide a uniform distribution of light over a wide area, making them ideal for illuminating large wall surfaces.

Advantages of Silicone

Silicone is a popular material for making wall washers due to its excellent thermal stability, UV resistance, and water resistance. It is also a flexible material, which makes it easy to mold into different shapes and sizes. Additionally, silicone is a non-toxic material that is safe for use in environments where food is prepared or consumed.

Advantages of Narrow Beam Angle Wall Washers

Narrow beam angle wall washers have several advantages over wide beamangle wall washers. One of the main advantages is that they provide a more focused and concentrated beam of light, which allows for greater control over the direction of the light. This makes them ideal for highlighting specific areas of a wall or for creating a more dramatic lighting effect. Additionally, narrow beam angle wall washers are more energy-efficient than wide beam angle wall washers, as they require less power to produce the same amount of light.

Characteristics of IP66 Waterproof Silicone Narrow Beam Angle Wall Washers

IP66 Waterproof Silicone Narrow Beam Angle Wall Washers can helo to withstand harsh outdoor environments. The material if it is high-quality silicone material that is resistant to water, dust, and moisture. With a narrow beam angle of 15 degrees, these wall washers are ideal for highlighting specific features on a wall or for creating a more dramatic lighting effect. They are also highly energy-efficient, with a power consumption of only 12 watts per meter.

Wall Washers Applications

Wall washers have a wide range of applications in both indoor and outdoor environments. In indoor settings, they can help to enhance the aesthetic appeal of a room by creating a soft, even glow on the walls. They can also help to highlight artworks or architectural features such as columns or arches. In outdoor settings, wall washers can help to highlight the texture of a wall or to illuminate a building façade. They can also help to create a dramatic lighting effect on a stage or inan outdoor performance space.


In conclusion, wall washers are an important lighting fixture that can enhance the aesthetic appeal of any space. Narrow beam angle wall washers made of silicone material offer several advantages, including energy efficiency, focused and concentrated lighting, and water resistance. The IP66 Waterproof Silicone Narrow Beam Angle Wall Washers are ideal for outdoor environments and can withstand harsh weather conditions. With their wide range of applications, wall washers are an important lighting solution for architects, designers, and lighting professionals.

After checking our artical, if you would like to know more detail about the wall washers. Please feel free to contact us:

Email: intsale08@rtrled.com

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