The Narrow Angle Wall Washer Lights and Normal Light Strip


When it comes to lighting, there are numerous options available. Two popular types of lighting are narrow angle wall washer lights and normal light strips. Whether you’re a homeowner, a designer, or an architect, it’s important to understand the differences between these two types of lighting to choose the one that best suits your needs. In this article, we’ll explore the features, benefits, and drawbacks of narrow angle wall washer lights and normal light strips.

What are Narrow Angle Wall Washer Lights?

Narrow angle wall washer lights are a type of lighting that illuminates a narrow range of space in a room. They are typically used to highlight specific architechitectural features or artwork on a wall. These lights are designed to be recessed within the ceiling or wall and provide a focused beam of light to a specific area. This type of lighting is perfect for creating a dramatic effect in a room and can be used to enhance the ambiance of a space.

Benefits of Narrow Angle Wall Washer Lights:

The biggest benefit of narrow angle wall washer lights is their ability to create a specific effect in a room. They are designed to highlight specific areas of a room, such as art or architectural features, and provide a focused beam of light to that area. This creates a dramatic effect in the room and can enhance the overall ambiance. Additionally, narrow angle wall washer lights are more energy-efficient than other types of lighting, which can help reduce energy costs.

Drawbacks of Narrow Angle Wall Washer Lights:

One of the biggest drawbacks of narrow angle wall washer lights is their lack of versatility. They are designed to provide a specific type of lighting and cannot be easily adjusted to provide different types of lighting in different situations. Additionally, they can be difficult to install as they require a recessed position within the ceiling or wall.

What are Normal Light Strips?

Normal light strips are a type of lighting that provides a broad distribution of light throughout a room. They are used to provide general lighting and are commonly installed on ceilings or walls. Light strips are versatile and can be used to create a variety of lighting effects, including accent lighting and task lighting.

Benefits of Normal Light Strips:

The biggest benefit of normal light strips is their versatility. They can be used to create a variety of lighting effects and are perfect for general lighting and accent lighting. Additionally, light strips are easy to install and can be attached to the ceiling or wall with adhesive strips or screws.

Drawbacks of Normal Light Strips:

One of the biggest drawbacks of normal light strips is their lack of focus. They provide a broad distribution of light and may not be as effective at highlighting specific areas of a room as narrow angle wall washer lights. Additionally, they may not be as energy-efficient as other types of lighting, as they require more energy to provide a broad distribution of light.

Comparison between Narrow Angle Wall Washer Lights and Normal Light Strips:

Narrow angle wall washer lights and normal light strips have their own unique features, benefits, and drawbacks. When it comes to choosing between the two, it’s important to consider the specific needs of the room and what type of lighting effects is desired. Here’s a comparison of the two types of lighting:

Focus: Narrow angle wall washer lights provide a focused beam of light to a specific area, while normal light strips provide a broad distribution of light.

Versatility: Normal light strips are more versatile and can be used to create a variety of lighting effects, while narrow angle wall washer lights are designed to provide a specific type of lighting.

Installation: Narrow angle wall washer lights can be difficult to install as they require a recessed position within the ceiling or wall, while normal light strips are easy to install and can be attached to the ceiling or wall with adhesive strips or screws.

Energy Efficiency: Narrow angle wall washer lights are more energy-efficient than normal light strips, as they provide a focused beam of light to a specific area, while normal light strips require more energy to provide a broad distribution of light.


In conclusion, both narrow angle wall washer lights and normal light strips have their own unique features, benefits, and drawbacks. When choosing between the two, it’s important to consider the specific needs of the room and what type of lighting effect is desired. Narrow angle wall washer lights are perfect for highlighting specific areas of a room and creating a dramatic effect, while normal light strips are versatile and can be used to create a variety of lighting effects. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on the specific needs of the room and the preferences of the homeowner or designer.

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