Lighting Up Commercial Spaces: The Use of IP66 Wall Washer Light Strips in Shopping Malls

Effective and appealing lighting plays an integral role in shopping malls. Proper lighting helps to create an inviting ambiance, highlight architectural details, and attract customer attention to merchandise displays. IP66 wall washer light strips have become a popular choice for providing accent and decorative lighting in commercial spaces like shopping malls.

Highlighting Facades

IP66 wall washer light strips can effectively illuminate building facades, columns, and other architectural details. By placing wall washer light strips in strategic positions, shopping malls can highlight the most visually compelling aspects of their buildings’ exteriors after dark to make an striking first impression. The long-lasting and energy-efficient LEDs in IP66 light strips allow the lighting effects to run throughout the evening at a low cost.

Guiding Navigation

When installed along walkways, staircases and escalators, IP66 wall washer light strips help to naturally guide visitor traffic flow through the space. The subtle but focused light from the strips illuminates the path ahead without causing discomfort from glare. This helps visitors navigate through large, open commercial spaces, especially in more dimly-lit areas. The durable, weather-resistant construction of IP66 light strips also enables them to operate in exterior or semi-enclosed parts of shopping malls.

Showcasing Displays

Retailers frequently use IP66 wall washer light strips to highlight product displays, signs, and other visual merchandising. By placing strips above, below or behind displays, stores can draw customer attention to featured items. The strips wash the area in a glow that spotlights the display from the surrounding space. This helps the display to stand out and capture interest even from far away or in peripheral vision. The slim, minimal profile of the light strips also avoids detracting from the aesthetic appeal of the display itself.

Ambiance Enhancement

Used throughout a shopping mall, IP66 wall washer light strips contribute to an overall ambiance of warmth, brightness and clean modernity. Their diffuse, non-glaring light helps to generally illuminate public seating areas, walkways, entryways and corridors. The glow they provide is subtle but still helps visitors feel welcome and comfortable, as opposed to the harshness of bare overhead fluorescent or incandescent lighting. Their low heat output also means they do not significantly impact the indoor climate control demands of the shopping mall.


With their durable and weather-resistant construction, energy efficiency, appealing illumination and minimalist profile, IP66 wall washer light strips offer an ideal solution for accent and decorative lighting within shopping malls. They effectively serve to highlight architecture, assist navigation, showcase retail displays and enhance ambiance when implemented throughout a mall space. IP66 wall washer light strips deliver a combination of function and aesthetic value that has made them a staple in modern commercial lighting design.


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