Flexible Wall Washers: Providing Aesthetic and Functional Lighting for Bridges

On bridge piers and arches:

Flexible wall washers mounted vertically on the sides of bridge piers and arches can project soft, uniform light across the surface, accentuating the texture of the material and sculptural form of these structural supports. The adjustable optics allow for optimal wall washing without glare. The curved housings are also able to follow the radiused contours of arches. This decorative illumination highlights the beauty of the architecture while enhancing the visibility and perceived safety of the pier or arch.

On bridge cables and towers:

For cable-stayed or suspension bridges, flexible wall washers can be installed at multiple points along the main cables, harp cables, and bridge towers. Adjusting the optics to illuminate the entire surface of each cylindrical element creates a dramatic linear lighting effect. This highlights the arrangement and geometry of the cables and towers, which are expressive of the structural system as a whole. The resulting visual enhancement of these architectural details is especially stunning on iconic long-span bridges.

Enhancing the fascia:

On bridges with arched or girder profiles, flexible wall washers can be mounted along the top fascia or edge of the bridge to wash light down onto the exterior surfaces of the sides and underside of the bridge. This has the effect of accentuating the sculpted fascia of the bridge while creating a subtle glow that is visible along the length of the bridge. The color of the light can also be selected to complement the dominant hues of the bridge materials or to produce a festive colored lighting scheme on special occasions.

Dynamic and color-changing effects:

Some flexible wall washers offer the ability to adjust the color of the light or create dynamic color-changing effects and transitions. On bridges, this can be used to dramatic effect for events and holidays by washing the bridge in a sequence of festive colors, or slowly transitioning through the color spectrum. These visual enhancements tap into the iconic stature of many bridges as landmarks and backdrops for community tradition. They also demonstrate the possibilities for flexible wall washers to create ornamental as well as functional lighting.

Does this help provide some additional explanation and examples regarding the applications and potential of flexible wall washers for decorating and illuminating bridges? Let me know if you have any other questions!

Here are a few additional points on flexible wall washers:

•Specialized optical designs.

For bridges, optical elements can be designed to project light at wide angles to wash very tall pier and tower structures, or over long vertical distances for illuminating cables. Symmetrical and asymmetrical distributions are possible depending on the application. Adjustable optics allow for fine-tuning the light spread to perfectly wash the surface.

•Higher power systems.

To illuminate very large bridges from top to bottom, higher wattage LED systems may be required within the linear wall washer housings. Multiple wall washers can also be joined together and operated as a unified system for very long or tall applications. Higher power allows for a stronger wash of light even over long throws.

•Intelligent control integration.

Sophisticated control systems can be incorporated into flexible wall washer networks to automate and optimize their operation. This includes dimming or turning off sections when sufficient ambient light is present, adjusting color temperatures to match natural light conditions during dawn and dusk, and synchronizing dynamic color-changing effects or pre-programmed shows on multiple fixtures. These intelligent controls can enhance both the function and visual impact.

•Minimal maintenance.

LED-based flexible wall washers have a long lifetime of 50,000 to 100,000 hours before needing replacement. They also operate at low temperatures which reduces the accumulation of dust and dirt over time. This results in lower maintenance needs once installed, even for continuous operation. Only occasional cleaning of exterior lenses may be required for optimal performance.


Flexible wall washers are an energy-efficient and sustainable solution for architectural lighting due to the long-lasting and efficient nature of LEDs. They consume a fraction of the energy of traditional light sources for building exteriors. Their lower maintenance also results in reduced costs and environmental impacts over their operating lifetime. These environmental benefits are well suited to public infrastructure like bridges.

•Aesthetic customization.

Flexible wall washers can be customized in length, color temperature, housing finish, and mounting configuration for an optimal aesthetic on any bridge. Curved and shaped housings follow the form of arches and fascia. Color temperatures can be selected based on material and desired lighting ambiance. Their adjustable nature allows for a tailored lighting design.

Please let me know if you would like me to explain anything in greater detail. I am happy to provide further information on flexible wall washer technology and applications.

Email: intsale03@rtrled.com

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