Flexible wall washer strip lights are suitable for indoor and outdoor lighting applications

Flexible wall washer strip light is suitable for landscape, commercial lighting, wall wash lighting and exterior wall design. The latest stunning new entry to our range of high-quality tape lights is the Wall Washer LED Strip Lights.

This innovative product is simple and has various optical lenses. Customized Low wattage Wall grazers with IP66 could be used in both interior and exterior lighting design. These Wall Washer LED tape and strip lights to look amazing when embedded into aluminum profiles which come with power and fixing accessories to form uniform lighting.

With its soft and bendable design, it can be easily mounted onto any curved surface. This makes it ideal for illuminating buildings or walls in outdoor areas. Plus, our wall washer strips come with various quality certifications, ensuring the best quality and performance.

Check our flexible LED wall washer light at www.rtrled.com

RGB flexible LED wall washer light application
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