Flexible Narrow-Angle Wash Wall Light Strips Applied in Overpass Illumination

Importance of Illumination

Overpasses are an important part of urban road traffic, and their illumination not only improves nighttime driving safety but also enhances the beauty of the city at night. Therefore, how to effectively achieve illumination for overpasses has become an important issue in urban construction.

Wash Wall Light Strips Applied in Overpass Illumination

Advantages of Flexible Narrow-Angle Wash Wall Light Strips

Flexible narrow-angle wash wall light strips are an innovative lighting solution that has the following advantages:

  1. Narrow-angle illumination: Flexible narrow-angle wash wall light strips can achieve precise illumination, avoiding illumination blind spots and improving illumination effects.
  2. Flexible design: Flexible narrow-angle wash wall light strips can be freely cut according to the shape and size of different overpasses, making them suitable for various design needs.
  3. Energy-saving and environmentally friendly: Flexible narrow-angle wash wall light strips use LED light sources, which are energy-efficient and have low energy consumption, not only reducing energy consumption but also reducing carbon emissions to achieve energy-saving and environmental protection.

Overpass Illumination Scheme Design

Design Objectives
The design of the overpass illumination scheme aims to improve nighttime driving safety and the beauty of the city at night while considering the balance between energy-saving and environmental protection and illumination effects.

Design Points
In the design of the overpass illumination scheme, the following points need to be considered:

  1. Lighting layout: According to the shape and size of the overpass, the light distributiondesign should be carried out to avoid illumination blind spots and achieve comprehensive coverage.
  2. Light color temperature: Select the appropriate light color temperature according to the characteristics of the city’s night scene and the color of the surrounding environment to achieve a good visual effect.
  3. Light brightness: Choose the appropriate light brightness according to different illumination needs and time requirements to ensure the balance between illumination effects and energy-saving and environmental protection.
Wash Wall Light Strips Applied in Overpass Illumination

Application Cases

  1. Beijing Nanyuan Airport Overpass
    Flexible narrow-angle wash wall light strips were used in the illumination scheme of the overpass at Beijing Nanyuan Airport. Through precise lighting layout and appropriate light brightness, the illumination effect of the overpass was comprehensively covered, improving nighttime driving safety. At the same time, the design of flexible narrow-angle wash wall light strips also fits the modern and minimalist aesthetics of airport architecture, enhancing the beauty of the city at night.
  2. Shanghai Bund Overpass
    Flexible narrow-angle wash wall light strips were used in the illumination scheme of the overpass at the Shanghai Bund. Through reasonable lighting layout design and the selection of light color temperature, the color of the surrounding environment of the overpass was harmonized and unified, enhancing the beauty of the city at night. The design of flexible narrow-angle wash wall light strips also fits the European style of the Bund architecture, creating a romantic and elegant night scene.
  3. Guangzhou Pazhou Overpass
    Flexible narrow-angle wash wall light strips were used in the illumination scheme of theoverpass at Guangzhou Pazhou. Through reasonable lighting layout and appropriate adjustment of light brightness, the illumination effect of the overpass was comprehensively covered, improving nighttime driving safety. At the same time, the design of flexible narrow-angle wash wall light strips also fits the modern and romantic atmosphere of the Pearl River night scene, enhancing the beauty of the city at night.

How do overpass illumination systems work?

Overpass illumination systems typically consist of a lighting design plan that includes fixtures, bulbs, and controls. The lighting design plan is created with the objective of providing sufficient illumination to ensure the safety of drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the overpass.

The fixtures used for overpass illumination are typically mounted on the structure of the overpass itself. They may include floodlights, spotlights, wash wall light strips, or other types of lighting fixtures. The choice of fixture and placement depends on the shape and size of the overpass, the desired illumination effect, and the surrounding environment.

Bulbs used for overpass illumination are often LED bulbs due to their energy efficiency and long lifespan. LED bulbs also offer a wide range of color temperatures, allowing designers to choose the most appropriate color temperature for the overpass and surrounding environment.

Controls for overpass illumination systems may include timers, motion sensors, and dimming capabilities. These controls can help to reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs while still providing adequate illumination. For example, motion sensors can detect when vehicles, pedestrians, or cyclists are present and activate the lighting fixtures only when needed.

Overall, overpass illumination systems work by providing appropriate lighting to ensure the safety of those using the overpass while enhancing the beauty of the surrounding environment.


Flexible narrow-angle wash wall light strips are an innovative lighting solution with precise illumination and flexible design features, making them an ideal choice for overpass illumination. In the design of overpass illumination schemes, lighting layout, light color temperature, and light brightness need to be considered to achieve a balance between nighttime driving safety and the beauty of the city at night. Through the introduction of application cases, we can see the widespread use and excellent performance of flexible narrow-angle wash wall light strips in overpass illumination. Its unique advantages and good effects will make it an important choice for overpass illumination in the future.

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