BEAMFLEX series wall washer light from RTR

Wall washer lights, commonly known as wall washers, are an essential component of modern lighting design that provide uniform illumination to vertical surfaces.Introduction Wall washer lights have become a popular choice in contemporary lighting design due to their ability to distribute light evenly across vertical surfaces, creating an aesthetically pleasing and functional effect.

Working Principles

Wall washer lights are designed to produce a wide, even beam of light that spreads across a vertical surface. They typically consist of a light source, a reflector, and a diffuser. The light source generates the light, which is then directed by the reflector towards the wall. The diffuser, often made of glass or plastic, helps spread the light evenly to create a uniform, glare-free illumination. The light source can be a traditional incandescent bulb, a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL), a light-emitting diode (LED), or other advanced lighting technologies. In recent years, LED wall washers have gained popularity due to their energy efficiency, long lifespan, and customizable color options.

Efficacy and Applications

Wall washer lights are an effective means of illumination in various settings, both commercial and residential. Their applications include: Architectural lighting: People use wall washers to accentuate architectural features, such as columns, arches, and facades.

Art galleries and museums: These lights are particularly beneficial in highlighting artwork, sculptures, and other exhibits without casting harsh shadows or causing glare.

Commercial spaces: In retail stores, restaurants, hotels, and other commercial settings, wall washers create a visually striking ambiance, which enhances the customer experience.

Residential settings: Homeowners can use wall washers to emphasize specific design elements or create dramatic effects in living rooms, hallways, and bedrooms.

Recent Advancements

In recent years, advancements in lighting technology have led to the development of more efficient, customizable, and user-friendly wall washer options. Some notable innovations include:

Smart control systems: Integration with smart home systems allows users to control wall washers remotely, set timers, and adjust brightness and color temperature according to their preferences.

Improved color rendering: Advanced LED wall washers offer high color rendering index (CRI) values, ensuring that the true colors of the illuminated surfaces are accurately represented.

Compact and flexible designs: Newer wall washer models are available in sleek, compact designs that can be easily integrated into various architectural styles and even curved surfaces.


Wall washer lights have emerged as a versatile, energy-efficient, and aesthetically pleasing lighting solution for various applications. Their ability to create uniform illumination on vertical surfaces has made them a popular choice in both commercial and residential settings. With continued advancements in lighting technology, it is expected that wall washers will become even more efficient, customizable, and user-friendly, further solidifying their place in contemporary lighting design.

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